Friday, April 30, 2010

Beer Assists Update!

So many shout-outs to hit, but blogger only lets me upload 5 pics! Today we had assists from the Heintz clan, Eric, the good Rev and Mrs. Powell (and Co.), Sam Diaz, Matt & Tori, Joy, Ted & Cheri, Nick Reed, Max Hetzer, and even Jay's cousin, and Nick Reed's cousin's dad? Hey, may not know him, but if they toast my success then so be it! Special points to Nick Reed for his inventive use of his law book as a coaster.

Thanks to everyone for your help and support, be it joining me on a run or doing beer curls. We made 27 more beer assists already tonight, and I happen to know that the P-Town crew is just getting started...

74.7 - Feeling Good

Miles Run: 74.7
Hours Left: 47
Beer Assists: 56


Kate joined me for another run tonight, knocking off another 7 flat. We even had to speed up at the end to beat the rain in!

I'm very much shocked at today's performace. Going into today I really thought that today was going to be the hardest one, and this morning confirmed that. However, this afternoon I felt great.

The biggest physical problem so far is the knees. They are fine when I'm up and moving, but when I sit or lay down for even a small amount of time it takes a good 10 minutes to warm them up again. We will see how the body responds when I crawl out of bed tommorrow, but things are looking quite good right now.

I'm ahead of the game right now, so tommorrow has some play room if I get in trouble. That said, looking to a strong Saturday.

67.7 - Nick and Tina Join In

Miles Run: 67.7
Hours Left: 40
Beer Assists: 33


Nick and Tina came by after work to join me for a 5.4 miler. Felt pretty good, and enjoyed the company. For those keeping track at home, Nick continues to sport his five-fingers and is quite the champ running in them. Maybe one day he'll sway me to try the whole shoe-less running thing.

Beer assists from Murray, Max, and 3 (so far tonight!) from Matt. However, the night is young and I have a feeling that Friday happy hour is gonna be very good for the beer count.

62.3 - Lucky Break

Miles Run: 62.3
Hours Left: 45
Beer Assists: 28


My nooner got cancelled, which really helped out today. I took the 60-mimute gift and ran the RA campus perimeter, adding 3.5 to the day. Clocked in at 27 mins, which is 2 minutes longer than it took on Wednesday, but we'll go ahead and call that a win.

Next up, 4:30 with Mr. Besson.

Assit update: Score 4 for Josh, 3 more for Joy & Co., and help from Ed, Nick Reed, and Rob & Laura

58.8 - Hungry

Miles Run: 58.8
Hours Left: 51
Beer Assists: 19


This morning was a prime example of why I started the blog. Accountability, and keeping myself honest.

When I got up this morning I just couldn't choke down another energy bar. I knew I was going to pay for it on the run, but at the time I just didn't care. My stomach just didn't want it this morning.

Obviously, this was a mistake, and I started suffering only a few miles in. Then the 'I should just turn around and walk home' fairy started talking in my ear. But knowing that I'd have to come back and report that I had only put in a few miles, kept me going. But hey, whatever works.

I'd like to put in 3 more runs today, but my 11am-2pm block of meetings is going to make that tough. I may try to be a bad little Intel worker and sneak off for a 3 miler at 10. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

52.0 - Over half way

Miles Run: 52.0
Hours Left: 61
Beer Assists: 19


"Let's just do one extra lap around the neighborhood"

Good old Kate. She joined me for today's evening run, which was on a 4.5 mile route. That she, of course, turned into a 4.7.

And that was just one good quote from the evening. My personal favorite was "You know, I know you're hurting and all, but it's fun to have you running my pace!".

Couldn't agree more.

See you all tommorrow.

Beer Assists Update!

The help continues to pour in.

Joy with her lunchtime visit to bulldog, Murray hits up the homebrew, Nick added one while watching the poor Blazers, two from Kate, and Will logged a whopping 4 (guess who's still an undergrad?)

Brings the total to 19.

Keep 'em coming!

47.3 - Afternoon quickie?

Miles Run: 47.3
Hours Left: 64
Beer Assists: 12


In keeping with today's new strategy, I logged a 5.6 miler as soon as I got home from work. Starting to actually feel like Oregon spring-- sun shining while getting rained on. Ah, nostalgia.

Knees are starting to feel the impact, but I was able to keep the legs moving.

Found a really pretty road near the end of the run, Five Oaks lane. Covered on both sides with big oak trees like something out of Forrest Gump. Of course, it ends at the DMV/DEQ station, but still really pretty while it lasts. But I'll have to add it to my regular routes come summer.

41.7 - Lunchtime Drafting

Miles Run: 41.7
Hours Left: 69
Beer Assists: 11


Vinay joined me today for our standard lunch loop. In a reversal of recent trends, this 6.7 miler turned into a 7.0 miler, with Vinay encouraging me to put on the extra loop. Vinay was a patient partner today, as it took us just over 50 minutes, whereas the 6.7 normally only takes us about 42-44.

As a special bonus, we ran into Kate and Lola on their lunch-time walk.

Even got 2 more beer assists! Joy went to the Bulldog (how I miss thee, Bulldog) for beers at lunch, saying "Lunch time bulldog run because I'm enjoying grad school freedom while I can!!". Score 1 more for Joy and 1 more for an unnamed 'friend' of possible German descent.

Thanks again to Vinay for pretty much letting draft of of him the whole time, and for pulling my butt around. Much appreciated.

34.7 - Day 2 and a new plan

Miles Run: 34.7
Hours Left: 74
Beer Assists: 9


9.9 mile route, but when Kate passed me on her way to the gym, I was tired and pushing running late for work, so hopped in the car for the last bit. So this morning's total comes to 9.3. Good thing, too, because I made passdown just in time.

Thinking that I'm going to try a slightly different strategy today. Instead of a lunch run then a evening run, going to try and do a 3 runs of 5-8 miles. This will keep the times down to under/around and hour, and hopefully prevent another bonk like last night. I'll also try to eat smarter...

Have a good day, everyone.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beer Assists!

The beer assists have started rolling in!

As of this post, thanks to Matt, Jay, Will, Sarah and Murray, Joy, and Kate for their beer assists. We're at 9 so far.

Special mention goes to Jay, who sends me his picture an says "This is probably the only one I can do for you".

15 minutes later he sent along a second picture. Love it!

Editor's Note: We here at 100 Miles in 100 Hours love pictures of beer and animals, even together! However, please do not let your furry friend actually consume beer. That's just bad mojo, bro.

25.4 - The First Bonk

Miles Run: 25.4
Hours Left: 86
Beer Assists: 9


What started out as another 11.1 miler ended up as a 10.8, because I took the shortcut home. I would blame the rain, but in reality it was all me.

I wasn't really paying attention to my pace, and evidently took the first 9 miles way too fast. Then I got hungry and looked at my watch, which was poor choice, because then I knew I was going too fast. Then I bonked at about 9.5 miles, coincidently at the same spot where Vinay and I usually begin our lunch-run cooldowns on Evergreen. Actually, I'm sure that wasn't a 'coincidence'. Knowing I lost the mental game is never fun.

Even so, it puts me at 25.4 for the day. Ahead of schedule, sure, but a little behind my plan. However, once I got home to a puppy happy to see me and the smell of warm dinner that Kate had waiting for me...well, let's just say things are looking up for tommorrow.

Sleep well, everyone, I will!

14.6 - 3.5 for Lunch

Miles Run: 14.6
Hours Left: 94
Beer Assists: 0


Last Friday's implementation of a M-W-F 12-1 meeting with my boss, and her boss, over in D1D really threw a crimp in today's plans. I was only able to find about 40 minutes for "lunch" at around 10:50 today. So, cranked out an easy 3.5 around the campus perimeter, showered, and back to it!

11.1 - A good (dry) start

Miles Run: 11.1
Hours Left: 98
Beer Assists: 0


Official start time this morning was 5:11 am. That's PST for those of you counting.

11.1 miles this morning. I did very well keeping the pace controlled, coming in at 1 hr 27 mins. 7:50's are nothing to write home about, but slow and steady is the name of the game here.

Good route for low-light running, other than 0.5 miles on Shute road it's all pretty much back roads. However, sometime last week they evidenlty deicded to lay down new gravel on Groveland road for spring-- good for cars, bad for my ankles. Since I knew I was going to have extra time this morning, I went ahead and swapped tommorrow morning's planned run for today's, and I'm glad I did. This was a 'new' route I hadn't run before, and that much elevation change would have probably killed me tommorrow morning.

Amazingly, it didn't rain on me-- I could see it raining in front of me and around me, but I never actually got rained on. While I'm sure this luck won't last given the weather forecast, it sure was appreciated.

Ok, well I needed to head into fab 2 minutes ago. More updates coming...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mission Statement & Help Needed!

Earlier this year, the challenge was laid- The Triple Centry. The true grand-daddy of all endurance challenges, requires running 100 miles and drinking 100 beers, all in 100 hours or less. Since then, it has been my intention to complete said task before Kate and my wedding day.

Why? Fair question. For lack of a better reason, I see this as my last real challenge/trial/tribulation before the wedding. In essence, I suppose, I view it as my last chance to do something completely stupid and selfish, and to prove to myself that I can do this. It may seem unnecessary but it just feels like something I've gotta do. Besides, it's me-- I figure most of you guys understand that I just get this way sometimes.

With the wedding approaching and the weather showing no signs of ever improving, time is now. Wednesday April 28th thru Sunday, May 2nd. I am starting at approximately 5:00 am on the 28th, which means that I will need to have my 100 miles in by Sunday @ 9:00 am.

This is all with one caveat, of course- I can't do the 100 beers. I really just can't. Cite whatever reason you like (I'm not insane, I'm not 22 anymore, I have a job that I'm not taking vacation from, etc), but it's not not going to happen.

For this, I need YOUR help. I would like to see if, during this time, my friends can drink 100 beers while giving a Prost to my success. It would mean a lot if you could drink a frosty brew (or 3) for me, and take a picture of yourself doing it. Send it and the # along, and we'll keep a tally going on here as I update along my run.

Thanks for your support in this (both mental and physical), and check back here for updates!

