Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lola's Run

Another little guy who deserves a shout-out is LolaDog. She was always happy to see me, and willing to help lick the sweat off my legs. She also gets special points for serving as a backup alarm clock: "Guy, it's 5:30 and it's breakfast time. Let's get up and moving!"

She even ran with me from time to time. Couldn't ask for a better dog.

More Beer Shout-Outs

More pics from you guys helping out with Beer assists. The homebrew IPA belongs to Murray. Ted and Cheri stepping up (Cheri, great choice with the Black Butte Porter). Alina scores home a Monaco, and from Paris even. And Joy and Co. strike again, racking up some rice beers during sushi hour.

Beer Assist Final Tally - 112

Awesome job, people! The final tally was 112, which means you all racked up 100 beers well well ahead of the 100 hours deadline (assuming no one was drinking early Sunday, since it's not football season).

More beers came in from Brooke, Sam and Kimberly, Cory, Joy, Murry & Sarah, and Laura and Rob. A special mention to Rob and Laura, who downed some frosty brews after completing a sprint triathlon yesterday-- and bringing home hardware!

I will be posting all of the people-included-pictures that I recieved on Facebook, along with many of the pictures from the last 4 days. There just isn't enough storage space on blogger to put them all up-- which says a lot about the help I received.

Thanks again, to you all.

100.2 - Mission Accomplished!

Miles Run: 100.2
Hours Left: Who Cares!
Beer Assists: Pending


Woke up this morning with a hungry puppy licking my hand and 7.3 left to go. Put in a 7.5 miler, and I'm done! Wanted to update the blog really quick, and then it's off to breakfast at Longbottom's for some good breakfast.

Ended with some time to spare, almost an hour and change, but obviously that was by design just in case something unfortunate occurred. Also intentionally went a little extra to remove any doubt at all about cutting a corner, hopping a sidewalk, or any small errors in GMaps pedometer. Sidenote: GMaps doesn't account for uphills/downhills, which actually makes your run longer, so I'm rather certain I'm OK, but better safe than sorry.

The beer tally is well over 100. I have to sort through my texts and emails from last night to get an exact number, but we're definitely >100. I'll get a final tally after breakfast and post some more pictures-- but for now, I'm hungry and I have a hungry Kate too.

Off to breakfast!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

92.7 - Sister Katie Joins In

Miles Run: 92.7
Hours Left: 17
Beer Assists: 91


Katie swung by this afternoon for a nice 4.4 miles (in the sun, even). This route went through, around, and back through the golf course since our Dad was out there somewhere. We didn't see him, but hopefully I get back the visor I left on his truck.

Beer assists are at 91! Good job people! Added help from Jeff and Amanda, Sam and Kimberly, Murray, and Kim! Looks like we're headed towards 100 with ease.

88.3 - Form Check!

Miles Run: 88.3
Hours Left: 20
Beer Assists: 76


Katie had to postpone until later today, so Kate stepped up and joined me for a lunch-time 5.4 miler.

This has been a good learning experience for me form-wise. As I have spent the majority of these miles running in the 'tired zone', it's given me plenty of time to analyze how my form goes to junk.

One main struggle has been keeping my form on downhills. I find that I tend to lean back, probably in an unconcious effort to reduce leg impacts and to maintain balance. This is of course the exact opposite thing I should do, and in fact increases the impact and risks overextending the leg. I can usually catch myself on this and correct, but this is something I'll have to focus on for the rest of this challenge and also in future runs/races.

The second thing I've noticed is that, near the end of these runs, my arms (mainly my forearms) start swinging from side to side. Instead of right leg forward, left arm swing, the arms are swinging to the same side as the forward leg. My best guess is that my back/shoulders are tired, and thus don't want to let swing my arms forward. I imagine that to compensate balance-wise, I swing my arms to the same side to shift weight. I'll have to work on this, because, more importantly than being really inefficient, it surely makes me look like an idiot.

Post-Friday Night Assist Total

After my run this morning, I was able to sort through the various text messages, comments, facebook posts, emails, etc, and came up with our total. You guys did some major damage last night. To be fair, this wasn't unexpected. Right now we're sitting at 78.

The West Coast didn't get their fair shout-outs last night because I went to bed before the party really started up, and they had some good pictures. Plus the one of Eric playing Beer bong is great, because who knows how many beers he actaully tossed down.

82.9 - Road Kill

Miles Run: 82.9
Hours Left: 24
Beer Assists: 76


Slept in a bit this morning. Not so much 'slept' as 'laid in bed and enjoyed not moving'. But, eventually rolled out and logged an 8.2 miler.

Today I finally got my first legit road kill. Seeing as how I've been running at odd times-- and obviously don't consider it a 'personal victory' to pass high school soccer girls, the Intel nooner fit-walk club, or what was evidently the 'Bethany Indian Wives Walker Club'-- I figred Saturday morning would be the day to rack up a few kills. This may be my only road kill so far, but no one has passed me while I've been out there, either.

The assists kept rolling in last night from the west coasters, with Peter adding 5and the PTown crew tacking on 8.

Next run at 11 or so with sister Katie. Until then...