Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beer Assists!

The beer assists have started rolling in!

As of this post, thanks to Matt, Jay, Will, Sarah and Murray, Joy, and Kate for their beer assists. We're at 9 so far.

Special mention goes to Jay, who sends me his picture an says "This is probably the only one I can do for you".

15 minutes later he sent along a second picture. Love it!

Editor's Note: We here at 100 Miles in 100 Hours love pictures of beer and animals, even together! However, please do not let your furry friend actually consume beer. That's just bad mojo, bro.

1 comment:

  1. Joy - glad to see you and I had the same idea. Though Lola is a LOT taller than her beer...

    And c'mon people! Drink more beer!
